Episode 131 - The Univox UC-2
Who knew that under the auspices of the Singer Sewing Machine Company a fledgling post-war woodworking factory in Matsumoto, Japan would grow into a guitar manufacturing powerhouse? Not us. But because itinerant 19th century actor I.M. Singer set his company on that path, we now enjoy fine vintage Japanese guitars like the Univox UC-2.

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverage contributed to the success of this episode: Ed could not locate any Orca beverages this week, so chose to instead choke down a Celsius Sparkling Watermelon drink. John again brought his A coffee game, in addition to a healthy strawbery protein beverage. This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio was My Girl by The Temptations.
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