Episode 130 - The Premier Bantam
When Lou Sorkin pulled up stakes and left Philadelphia for New York, he must have left his name in his other pants. He set up shop in Manhattan as the Peter Sorkin Music Company. Because of him we have the Premier Bantam, lovingly built on the shores of Jersey City, NJ some time around 1960 or so, by the attentive hands who worked at the United Guitar Corporation.
Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverage contributed to the success of this episode: Ed drank an actual Orca beverage! He trudged up to the store to grab a Frosty Cherry Limeaid soda. John brought his A coffee game, filling up a thermos with the Reanimator coffee superfan Dr. Frank sent him all the way from Philadelphia. This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio was Mack The Knife by Bobby Darin.
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Spaceman Sputnik III
Catalinbread Belle Epoch
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