Episode 197 - The Silvertone 1420 with Jimmy Watkins of The Vega Bodegas

We couldn’t be prouder to welcome special guest Jimmy Watkins to the show. Formerly of Future of the Left, now with The Vega Bodegas, Jimmy was also a professional runner. Additionally, he combines his love of music and running into the Running Punks YouTube channel, in which he runs at speed with a selfie stick, reviewing the album he’s listening to in his earbuds. Brilliant!

Jimmy tells us about all of this and more, as we guide him through the particularly American phenomenon of crappy catalog guitars from the middle of the last century, via a wonderful old Silvertone 1420

Stuff we mentioned that you might like:

William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying
The Sahara playlist on Spotify


Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Special Guest Jimmy Watkins went full-preschool with a Capris Sun orange beverage. You know, with the straw you poke into the foil package. So punk... Ed has returned to his juice machine, full-bore. Like Jimmy, he chose orange as his primary source of hydration. Then, some ginger. Threw it all in the infernal contraption, peels and all... Meanwhile, John explored something he didn't think existed in his home state of New Jersey: refreshing peach tea. There must be a catch... This week, the beverage song was augmented, at Ed's request, by some (kinda) passable lead guitar, played on the instrument at-hand, the Silvertone 1420.

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