Episode 116 - The Fernandes Retrorocket Elite with Nick Rogers of Dirty Haggard Audio
This episode brings us the mysterious Sustainer technology from Fernandes Guitars, in the shape of a 1990s Retrorocket Elite. Neither of us can figure out why anyone might want this instrument , except for the Sustainer. And honestly? It’s a lot of fun. I can almost feel my mullet growing back…
And if you throw some dirt in the front, things get truant real fast. Take the Dirty Haggard Audio DH-2 DeathFuzz, for instance. Our new friend and proprietor Nick Rogers walks us through this window-brick of a pedal, and the results are….heavenly. So there.

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverage contributed to the success of this episode: Special guest Nick Rogers opted to combine chocolate and beer via a lovely Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout. Bravo! Ed started out with a fancy Nespresso espresso beverage, but soon moved on to the more hydrating option of Gatorade. John completed this melange of beverages by also having black coffee, to which he added the first of the Orca beverages, a Mr. Cola, delivered directly to The High Gain by none other than Jan at Orca Beverage! Cheers! This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio, is Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf.

Would you like to know more about the gear we used in this episode?
Dirty Haggard Audio DH-2 Deathfuzz
Mantic Flex Pro
Wright Sounds Trammello
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star
While you're at it, check out ALL the swell pedals on Reverb