Episode 257 - Gibson Theodore
Ted McCarty presided over Gibson during what is considered to be its golden age. The deisgns and innovsations that came out of Kalamazoo, MI under his leadership have stood the test of time. Like many people who attend lots of meetings, Ted liked to draw while listening. As an engineer, his “doodles” were perhaps more technical than yours or mine; his renditions of new guitar designs included measurements and specs. When one of his drawings from 1957 was discovered, the Gibson Theodore was born - in 2022! Enjoy!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Ed rocked some Athletic Brewing Company NA beer. John tried a fancy watermelon peppermint beverage. Never again.
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Chase Bliss Preamp Mark II
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