Episode 219 - Sigma Guitars
Martin has been making some of the world’s finest acoustic instruments since 1833. Their consistent commitment to quality is well-known and admired. Nothing sounds like a Martin. So why shouldn’t they dip their toes in the electric guitar waters, if they want to? This week we take a look at this idea, through the lens of the Martin-created Sigma brand of instruments. Enjoy!
We’re also proud to welcome our newest sponsor - Self Care non-alcoholic beer by 3 Magnets Brewing Company. Their beverages are seriously tasty, and if you use the promo code HIGHGAIN you’ll get 15% off your first order!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Our newest sponsor (and best friends ever) over at 3 Magnets Brewing Co. sent us some amazing Self Care NA Beer beverages to try out. How's that for making a good impression? Ed jumped into the Palisade Pale and was instantly amazed by it. John made him pour some into a glass so he could try it too... John has always liked anything with a strong hop flavor, so he cracked a Double Down Hazy Double IPA. You know, since double is twice as much as single...
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Want to know more about the pedals used in our episodes?
1981 Inventions DRV
Wire Instruments Summoner Fuzz
Strymon Flint
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