Episode 215 - The Jerry Jones Master Sitar with Nels Cline
We are proud to welcome the extraordinary Nels Cline to The High Gain Podcast! Nels joins us for a wide-ranging discussion of all things guitar, and man does he know stuff! And since he is also a fan of classical Indian music from way back, we could think of no better instrument to have in hand than an electric sitar. Fact: Nels built a life-sized model of a sitar when he was in elementary school. Enjoy!
Photo: Sean Ono Lennon

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Special guest Nels Cline was amply prepared with a lovely Single Cut IPA beer beverage. He reported it to be "not too juicy". This week, Ed brought a tiny, apple-shaped bottle with no label on it. He "said" it was apple juice. John was looking after his own general well-being, with a delightful cranberry-raspberry juice.
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1981 Inventions DRV
Strymon Flint
Strymon Volante
Recovery Effects Phantom Operator
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