Episode 172 - Morales Mosrite copy, with Hilary B. Jones from the Mid-Riff Podcast
There once was a professional wrestler named Pedro Morales. He wrestled far and wide, and defeated many opponents. He was so famous the Zen-On company of Japan named a guitar after him. This is the story of that guitar. As if that wasn’t enough, Hilary B. Jones of the Mid-Riff Podcast joins us in an examination of gear culture.

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Ed was slinging a bottle of Topo Chico sparkling water all over the joint. No shame in that game... John tried out a bottle of Joyroot Tulsi Tea. Its ginger flavor was refreshing, even if he still has no idea what "tulsi" teas is... Special Guest Hilary B. Jones of the Mid-Riff Podcast came prepared with two of the classics - coffee and water. What a pro... This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed (a little bit) live in-studio was Devil or Angel by Bobby Lee.
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