Episode 84 - The Magnatone Tornado

Magnatone sure made some swell amps in the day, what with the mother-of-toilet-seat coverings, and the fancy grille cloth. They’ve even started making amps again! But this week we’re talking about the Starstream series of solidbody guitars; specifically, the Tornado. What at first glance looks like another 1960s offset beater is in fact a veritable tone machine. Want that super-tinny tone? Check. Rounded out, bass-heavy vibe? Yup. Listen in and dig it, Dad…

Your support keeps us running!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode:


Bundeberg Root Beer

This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio, is With or Without You by U2.


We played pieces of the following songs to illustrate the characteristic sound of the Magnatone Tornado guitar:

Well, whaddaya know - no song clips in this episode!

Would you like to know more about the pedals we played in this episode? Follow the links to the manufacturers’ pages:

Electro-Harmonix Triangle Big Muff Pi
Strymon Volante Magnetic Echo Machine


Verb The Noun
Need a band name pronto? This week we offer three combinations of verbs and nouns for your use, our gift to you:

Grow The Perspective
Harass The Driver
Connect The Understanding

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