Episode 217 - The Ibanez MC400DS with Jim Fairchild
Guitarist Jim Fairchild started his music career in the group Grandaddy. Along the way, and through various other beautiful projects, he played with Modest Mouse. Now, under the name Small Isles, Jim is creating lush instrumental soundscapes with impeccable, cinematic narrative arcs; they tell the whole story without a word. Jim stops by to talk to us about an Ibanez MC400DS guitar from 1978. Listen in as we all become increasingly perplexed by the amount of knobs and switches on this thing. Enjoy!
Photo: Dustin Aksland

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Special guest Jim Fairchild won the day with his strawberry hibiscus Nixie organic sparkling water. Ed also had water, but his was just some regular old garbage tap. John tried to match Special guest Jim Fairchild's game with a raspberry Bubly sparkling water, but it was not organic. Well played, Mr. Fairchild...
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