Episode 149 - David Slack of Hewn Guitars
What if there was someone as nutty about the catalog guitars made in the the 50s and 60s by the Chicago boys as we are? And wha if that person knew how to make guitars? There is! And he does! Meet David Slack of Hewn Guitars. David joins us to talk about the fine homages to awesome he makes in Minneapolis, MN. Don’t miss this one!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Ed branched out with a Virgil's Black Cherry soda, and reported it as being tasty. John attempted, against his better judgement, a kombucha beverage. It was reasonable, but not exactly what he would call delicious. Special guest David Slack of Hewn Guitars stood on solid ground with the beverage that can never be wrong - black coffee. Well played, sir... This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed (mostly) live in-studio was Bastards of Young by The Replacements.
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1981 Inventions DRV
Strymon Volante
Recovery Effects Shortwave
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star
Recovery Effects Phantom Operator
Catalinbread Belle Epoch
Digitech Whammy
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