Episode 168 - The Gretsch Bigsby Reissue

When Fred W. Gretsch bought back the company that bears his name, it was in many regards a fresh start. In time another opportunity arose when Ted McCarty sold Bigsby to the company, allowing Gretsch to undertake an ambitious initiative to reissue the guitar designs of the late Paul Bigsby. Before the instruments could be put into production, however, Gretsch was sold to Fender, and the only thing left of the project are several prototypes. Enjoy the ride!


Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Ed has declared his free radicals to be in check, due to his superior juice game. Still, though, the color needs work. Just sayin'... John drank a tea that is 100% plant-based, with no calories, sugar or carbs. And it didn't suck. This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed (mostly) live in-studio was Close to You by The Carpenters.

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