Episode 199 - Decca Guitars

Now a branch or the Universal Music Group, Decca Records was once one of the largest record labels in the country. At the height of their influence in America, they even had retail stores, in which you could buy a Decca-branded guitar like the one we play in this episode. And these days, people like Ronin Guitars often upgrade these instruments with new pickups and frets, making them ultimately more playable than they ever were to begin with. But how did this all start? Listen in, and enjoy!


Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: Ed finally convinced John to try one of his juice concoctions, and was kind enough to omit the most egregious ingredients. The result was a most enjoyable citrus beverage. There was kale in it, but the color was not tainted by this trespass...

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