Episode 135 - Joel Korte of Chase Bliss Audio
It’s a good day when we get to talk to our pal Joel Korte over at Chase Bliss Audio. He told us all about his RV trip out West, and his new pedals. And we got to demo the Baranik B-1 guitar!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverage contributed to the success of this episode: Ed had a Jones soda in a mysterious blue color, coffee, and a smoothie of his own making. Special guest Joel cracked a Guinness, and set it next to his coffee. John had a Bubly grapefruit water beverage, and backed that play with coffee. This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio was Wide Awake by U2.
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Want to know more about the pedals used in our episodes?
It was a Chase Bliss week!
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