Episode 152 - Breedlove Mark I
Once upon a time, a luthier named Larry Breedlove left his job at Taylor Guitars, and left Southern California to make it on his own in the great big world of guitar building. And he did, too! The acoustic instruments he developed were innovative and of the highest quality. Soon, the business grew and word spread. His brother Kim soon joined the gang at Breedlove, but our man Larry could feel the pull of love calling him back to SoCal. So he left and went back to Taylor. Fortunately for us all, this was not nearly the end of Breedlove. Not by a long shot. But they did, along the way, try their hand at…electric guitars!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: With no prior planning, Ed and John arrived with eerily similar beverages. Ed took some Topo Chico sparkling water and squeezed fancy Palm Springs backyard oranges into it. John enjoyed a lovely Orangina, which is essentially the same thing, but more French. But it's not a competition... This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed (mostly) live in-studio was Hold on Hope by Guided By Voices.
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Want to know more about the pedals used in our episodes?
1981 Inventions DRV
Catalinbread Belle Epoch
Recovery Effects Phantom Operator
Mantic Plex Pro
Recovery Effects Shortwave
Strymon Volante
Digitech Whammy
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