Episode 206 - 1966 Fender Stratocaster
This week marks our arrival in the Ruinous Media music podcast network. We are in the wonderful company of other PNW musicians and artists, and we couldn’t be more proud.
To celebrate, we got our hands on a practically dead mint 1966 Fender Stratocaster. We put it through its paces while recalling exactly how it is that CBS came to own Fender in 1965. Enjoy!

Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverages contributed to the success of this episode: This week, Ed got himself good and jacked on Huel protein powder. John practically inhaled all the benefits of anti-oxidant goodness POM could provide.
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Want to know more about the pedals used in our episodes?
1981 Inventions DRV
Strymon Flint
Digitech Whammy
Walrus Audio Slö Multi Texture Reverb
Look - an affiliate link! Check out all the swell pedals on Reverb AND help out The High Gain!